The find of toady that trilled me the most was a tomato plant complete with fruit! Had a foraging animal eaten a tomato some months ago and deposited fruitful faeces? Or had someone thrown away remnants of their lunch? Whatever the tale, tomato seeds had germinated, and in all probability will continue to do so until…
% Cover of edible species in one of the evaluation criteria, and this land is a smorgasbord.
% Cover of trees is also in the evaluation criteria. Oaks and Hawthorns accounted for approximately 5%, Willow and Beech bringing the total cover to around 8%.
I want to return here to conduct a Phase 1 Habitat Survey. I also want to find out who owns the land and what plans there are, if any, to develop it.
Whatever the future holds for this plot of land, right now it is a biodiverse environment, and if the perimeter is anything to go by, a little landscape supporting the unexpected amongst the expected.
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