Bombing downhill towards the Littlewoods Building in the single lane contra flow system I am forced to swerve between the bollards into the closed-off lane by an inconsiderate lorry driver thundering past me. Had I not done so I would have been road squash! I decided to break the highway law and continue my cycle route on the wrong side of the bollards. The single lane of traffic as defined by Highway Maintenance is not wide enough for a 4+ wheeled fossil-fueled vehicle and a bicycle. No provision what so ever has been made for the cyclist!
When I can no longer cycle in the closed-off lane, I continue along the freshly laid pavement, past workers scowling at me as they sweep the sand mortar between the slabs. I know I am breaking the law – offence code 170 subject to a £30.00 fine - but what’s the alternative? An accident involving a cyclist would only make the traffic jam worse!
Ah, the magnificent Littlewoods Building – no longer amidst a Brownfield site, but a part of a major development site. I stop to take some photos of this amazing architectural landmark next to the Botanic Gardens with the fragrance of its freshly mown grass filling the air.
You can read more about this development, and have your say about this building if you go to
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