Putting my paraphernalia in my panniers I leave The Outhouse and head towards a site just up the road - footprint size of a tower block - concealed by 8ft. high brightly painted green hording boards. How could I have missed this site last week? And how could Carol, who must pass it daily, have missed it too? Upon closer inspection, peering through the padlocked gate, sure enough, a Brownfield. But this one is green, the flat and debris-free ground all but completely covered with grass which, from a distance looks like lawn grass. The gate was clad with numerous signs – one “DANGER OVERHEAD CRANES” but the site bore no evidence of any kind of building activity. Obviously the owners are intent on keeping people out, whilst at the same time giving the impression that this land is in the process of being developed – another sign “Land Acquired for Retirement Apartments” so we know what is planned for this site.
I was being watched as I evaluated this site a ‘Blue’ - curtains in the house over the road twitching…
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