What is left of the Garden Festival site is cause for local concern and campaign
Now a secret garden, it is a site of intrigue and curiosity for many.
High fences topped with barbed wire are punctuated with signs warning all passers-by that this site is PRIVATE, guarded and patrolled.
At the old main entrance physical evidence of the guarded garden - a Rotweiler.
So even when I found ways to get into the site – I chose not to enter– I didn’t fancy being chased by any type of beast…let alone one that could do me real flesh eating damage.
It is difficult to evaluate Brownfield sites when you can’t or daren’t access them – but this is the way it has been throughout my expedition – so based upon what can be seen, face pressed up against the chain-link fence – this site was evaluated a Green site – the first Green Site I have encounters in 5 weeks and 60 miles of cycling.
But it only just scrapped a Green tag, evaluated at 38.5 – Green tags begin with a score of 38.5
The reason for the borderline Green is because the site has
• A lot of tarmac surface sealing
• Buildings falling apart - the debris clearly visible
• A fence making this site inaccessible
Or so I thought…
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